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#haxtheweb today!

HAX in the news

Goals / Principles of HAX

Watch @btopro and @nikkimk talk HAX at DrupalCon Nashville (2018). Also make sure to bug @hey__mp and @cgldevel on twitter as all four of us make regular contributions to HAX.

Want to learn more? Here's a picture of the 

Need more convincing?

This is Jonah Hill. He's been on my Netflix recently and can't stop freaking out about HAX. Go ahead, click him and see. He may look static right now for accessibility reasons but the second you select him I assure you he's going to wig out over...and over... and over again. Dude never drops his love for HAX.

Really? Still need more. Client endorsements, people love those!

And some actual additional useful links, why not, just for kicks.

I made this custom element called person-testimonial and now btopro won't stop using it. Now i'm trapped on the HAXtheWeb.org promo site.

Ok ok, I got one.

Let's write something cheezy like: "That's why I don't just use HAX, I'm a member too..."

Additional info on who and why this exists

HAX is built on a browser standard called Webcomponents. Its utilizing Polymer 1.x.x to do much of the heavy lifting. In the future we may move to Polymer 2 or 3 or StencilJS or pure web components. HAX "Gizmos" are able to interface with anything so long as it provides the right events and properties (single of each).

When I founded the hate-btopro club I never dreamed I'd be able to make a web component to represent it properly. Fortunately I'm an evil genius so..........

We make this even faster if you use polymer and anything that currently exists can be wired to work with HAX. There's a ton of tutorials and videos about wiring HAX into elements and typically it takes less then 5 minutes once you understand the spec. Check out our video-player tag for an example of the JSON required in order to have the element work with HAX.

We also make it easy to integrate any source of information with HAX via our App store specification. The "App store" aspect to HAX can most notabily be seen in the "Find something" section of the "Rich Media" viewer. Apps provide powerful data integrations with support for searching and uploading media to these apps. In the future we'll add additional apps out of the box as well as support for syncing details between sources.

Some sample things to import if you need more




          Video file
Like "Oh, I'm a floating avatar on the website, buy our product" as if we even have a product anyway. We're just trying to fundamentally transform content production on the web Disrupt, innovate out of your job. Pay everything forward. Collapse local inefficiencies. Pay forward via analysis of process. Collapse larger inefficiencies... Collapse edge industries. Rinse, repeat in other areas.